Andrea Dielschneider

Meet Our Instructors

“Live each day to the fullest."

"It is what it is."

Andrea Dielschneider

Classes I teach: 
R30/Core, Active, blast.  

How long I’ve been teaching: 
12 years 

Why am I an instructor/what inspired me to work in the fitness industry?
When I was in my mid 20s I discovered group fitness classes and fell in love with the format. My first Step class was in a church basement and the steps were made of wood! After a few years I considered teaching but was unsure if I could do it. My Mom had a severe case of MS that severely restricted her mobility; she encouraged me to just try as life can change so quickly and there may come a time when the opportunity is no longer an option. That along with the encouragement and support of my husband lead me to take my first training and stay motivated to continue. I have been very fortunate to have a lot great mentors along the way and I am continually learning from my fellow instructors.

If I had a time machine, what time period would I go to and why?
I am an avid history fan so this is a hard question as there are so many to choose from; but I would say the 1950s. It seems like it would have been a more relaxed and slower paced time. Also, I love poodle skirts! Although I would really miss my iPhone!

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