Kerri McLaren

Meet Our Instructors

"You don’t stop moving because you get old, you get old because you stop moving.”

Kerri McLaren

Classes I teach: 
Group Power, Group Centergy and Physique 

How long I’ve been teaching? 
35 years

Why are you an instructor/what inspired you to work in the fitness industry?
I became a fitness instructor because of my passion for fitness and enjoy helping others achieve their fitness goals. I enjoys the social aspect of instruction as it has allowed me to connect with others who share her same interests. Being an instructor is a rewarding career that has allowed me to make a positive impact on other peoples lives by helping them improve their health and well-being.

Who or where would you haunt if you were a ghost? 
She would haunt a greenhouse cuz even in death, she still wants to buy house plants.  

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